
finnair cargo7531 finnair cargo7531

The following information is needed in order to calculate the price of an air freight shipment:

  •  The station of origin and the final destination
  •  Quality of the goods
  •  Gross weight
  •  Measures and volume

Air freight charges are published from the station of origin to the final destination. The charges do not include delivery, customs clearance or other related charges.

Our Cargo Contact Center (select Finland in the drop-down menu below) will be happy to provide you with further information on freight prices for shipments from Finland.

For pricing information from other countries please select your location in the drop-down menu.

Local contacts

Please select your nearest city from the list below to view the contact information for our global sales agents (GSAs) and handling agents all over the world.

Weight and volume as basis for pricing

Transportation charges are determined based on shipment’s gross weight or volume weight. Volume weight is calculated by dividing shipment’s cubic centimeters by 6 000. Therefore, 6dm3 = 1kg and 1m3 = approx. 167kg. If a shipment’s volume weight is larger than the gross weight, the shipment is priced according to volume weight.

Freight charges

All charges related to a shipment are listed on the AWB of the shipment in question. The charges can always and in all countries be collected from the shipper, or in most countries also from the consignee.

Finnair Cargo accepts shipments only on prepaid (PP) basis, except in some exceptional situations (e.g. return shipments) in which CC (charges collect) shipments might be accepted if pre-approved by Finnair Cargo Customer service. For further information please contact our Customer Service (

Note! When sending special freight (for example live animals) all charges are always collected from the shipper. The charges must also be paid in the country of origin when the value of the goods does not correspond to the freight charges. (for example specimens, printed materials etc.) or the shipper is also the consignee.

If the freight charges are collected in the country of destination, the airline will, depending on the country, charge from the consignee an additional collection fee. The amount of the fee is based on the freight charges. If the consignee for some reason refuses to claim a shipment, the shipper is always responsible for all applicable freight and other charges.

*for exact pricing, see Finnair Cargo Online or visit the multi-carrier platforms.

Access Finnair Cargo Online (Opens in a new tab)

Terminal charges

Our terminal charges document shows the handling, storage and delivery charges for both export and import cargo as well as charges related to special cargo.

Terminal charges (from 1 October 2024) (Opens in a new tab) Finnair Cargo global charges and fees (from 1 October 2024) (Opens in a new tab)