Cargo news

New email address for SkyChain Support

We would like to inform you that our mailbox will be replaced with from 1st of June 2018.

To ensure the smoothest handling of your email, we would be very grateful if you could copy one of the following references in the subject field:

•    Critical
•    SkyChain 
•    Messaging errors
•    WebPortal
•    Other system related matters

Please note that when contacting Cargo Support, try to make the problem description as accurate as possible. Please add the AWB number and screen shot of error message, etc, so that investigation proceeds as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Please note that category 'Critical' is only for those matters that need immediate action when the support team is present.

The office open hours are Mon–Fri from 8:00–16:00. 

Non-critical messages will receive a reply as soon as possible, but within two working days.