Cargo news

Digitalization and partnerships boost cargo customer experience
The Head of Global Sales at Finnair Cargo, Anna-Maria Kirchner, is happy to be part of the current transformation of the cargo business. In her first year at Finnair, she has started implementing a new glocal (global+local) approach to sales.
Finnair Cargo’s Head of Sales Anna-Maria Kirchner has a long background in aviation, having worked for several of the leading airlines. Her last post was with the Emirates in Dubai.
- However, I have always worked on the consumer side of the business and felt that now was a great time to do a deep dive into the world of cargo. I see this as an opportunity to learn something new, tackle fresh challenges, and develop a different side of sales, she begins.
There are some major differences between the business perspectives of consumer aviation and air cargo, and Kirchner has been keen to take note of them.
- The planes might be the same ones but the sales are different. One of the main distinctions is that the sales on the consumer side are usually done once for two flights, as return flights. In cargo, we only sell one way, which means that the local teams have an important role. On the cargo side, it is also hard to sell any added services, the main reason to buy is often purely the price.
Cargo also does not offer the same opportunities for loyalty programs or other membership-based operations. Kirchner however feels that despite this the brand and the experienced service are still a huge part of the business.
- We are still in the people business and our reputation is one of the key elements of our success. That is why I am really glad that our clients commend us for our great service and our expertise in specialized cargo.
There is no stopping digitalization
Even if the digital transformation has been slower in the cargo business compared to the consumer side, its acceleration recently has been enormous. According to Kirchner, about 60 per cent of the sales are already done via digital channels.
- It is good to note that the purpose of the digital channels is not to make things cheaper, it is to ensure the quality of the data we have and the opportunities we get to manage customer relations.
She feels that in a smallish and very agile organization making changes towards digitalization is possible. The ability to move fast is key.
It is also important that relations with partners function well and there is an openness to create new partnerships.
- We of course have our own Finnair Cargo online channel, but we have also been exceptionally open to creating contracts with third-party operators.
Another way Kirchner wants to ensure the quality of customer relations is by investing in the team structure and global vs. local approach. She has already made some important changes to her team and is looking to fulfil her vision with some recruits.
- Our customers are global so we need to see the market on a global level. But at the same time, we must ensure that the local level within different regions works too. Our own sales team is amazing but I also have to give credit to our GSAs, many of whom have been working with us for a long time.
Finnair brand should be out and proud
Kirchner also sees that even in the Cargo business, Finnair’s and Finland’s great brands should be put to maximum use. In her opinion, the Finnish are still too modest to talk about their strengths or show their energy on the outside.
She has now made it her business to share with the GSAs and clients the legacy of Finnair and the uniqueness of Finland.
- Instead of only talking about our cargo capacity I am sure to mention that we are the official airline of Santa Claus and to tell everyone where Santa really lives.
She feels that both externally and internally all the sources of pride, from efficient fleet to sustainability efforts, should be celebrated.
- We need to be vocal about the things that we are good at. Our great drive needs to be visible in our own team, within the entire Finnair group and whenever we are out there in the world.